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cookies without nuts
Biscotti con succo d'arancia
Biscotti con Succo d'Arancia (Italian orange cookies, with eggs, Crisco and orange juice; topped with maraschino cherries)
Originated from: Southern Italy
Occasion: Special times
Contributed by: Mrs. Angela Giulione

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For cookie dough
6 large eggs
4 cups (32 oz) flour
6 teaspoons Magic baking powder
1/2 box of Crisco [1/2 lb or 225g of lard]
1 cup (8 oz) sugar
1 cup (8 oz) orange juice*

For decoration
about 1/4 cup of icing sugar (for rolling cookie dough)
Maraschino cherries in syrup (each cherry cut into 4 or 6 slices) -- optional

* Freshly-squeezed orange juice will improve the flavor of the cookies, though store-bought orange juice can be used


o Pre-heat oven 350 F degrees.

o Take Crisco out of fridge and keep at room temperature for about 1/2 hour to an hour.

o Mix four and baking powder.

o Cut Crisco into tiny slices and mix into the flour.

o Beat eggs, orange juice and sugar together.

o Combine the egg mixture with the flour mixture and work into a soft dough (if the dough is too soft add a touch more flour).

o Shape dough into a ball.

o Take a small lump of the dough the size of a golf ball.

o Roll the golf-size ball of dough in icing sugar (Repeat the process until all the dough has been used).

o Place the golf-sized balls of dough rolled in icing sugar on creased cookie sheets, making sure they are at least 2 inches apart (They'll expand).

o Using the palm of your hand flatten out the balls of dough -- just a little.

o Place a thin slice of maraschino cherry in the center of each unbaked cookie (Optional).

o Bake in a pre-heated 350 F degree oven for about 25 minutes or until the cookies are golden.

o Cool.

o Keep in fridge until needed.

o Serve at room temperature.


The cookies shown in the photo in this entry were made by Mrs. Angela Giulione who got the recipe from a co-worker back in the 1960s. At that time the recipe was known as "biscotti con oranc'. Photo: Mary Melfi.

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