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Spaghetti e Finocchio Siciliana di San Giuseppe (St. Joseph's Spaghetti with Fennel, Sicilian style)
Spaghetti con Finocchio Siciliana di San Giuseppe (St. Joseph's Spaghetti with Fennel, Sicilian style)
Originated from: Sicily, Italy
Occasion: La Festa di San Giuseppe
Contributed by: Mary Melfi

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For recipe see "Italian Pasta Dishes"



This is a typical St. Joseph's Day dish served in Sicily.... *Generally speaking, St. Joseph's pasta dishes are garnished with breadcrumbs rather than grated cheese. Breadcrumbs, according to food historians, represent the "sawdust" that St. Joseph, as a carpenter, would have had plenty about in his place of work. Photo: Mary Melfi.

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