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X Italian Soups
Zuppa d'Erbe/ Lettuce Soup (with sorrel and endive)
Originated from: Italy
Occasion: Any time
Contributed by: Taken from "The Cook's Decameron" by W.G. Waters (William Heineman, 1920)

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Two small bunches of sorrel
A bunch of endive
A lettuce
A small bunch of chervil
A stick of celery
A carrot
An onion
Slices of toasted French roll
Parmesan cheese


"Boil the following vegetables and herbs in very good stock for an hour: two small bunches of sorrel, a bunch of endive, a lettuce, a small bunch of chervil, a stick of celery, a carrot and an onion, all well washed and cut up. Then put some slices of toasted french roll into a tureen, and pour the above soup over them. Serve with grated Parmesan handed separately."


This recipe was taken from "The Cook's Decameron: a Study in Taste, containing over two hundred recipes for Italian dishes," by Mrs. W.G. Waters. It was published by William Heineman in 1920. For the entire copyright-free cookbook see www.archive.org. For a variety of recipes from this cookbook see Italy Revisited/Italian Cookbooks in the Public Domain.... Photo: Mary Melfi.

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