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Molise, Italy
Date: Current
Notes: The region of Molise was originally populated by the Samnites, an ancient Italic tribe. The Samnites were conquered by the Romans in the 2nd century B.C. Later, after the Romans were overthrown, the Lombards, Normans and Bourbons dominated the area. In the mid 19th century Garibaldi managed to unify the country. In 1861, Abruzzo, which included Molise at time, became part of Italy. In the second half of the twentieth century Molise separated from Abruzzo and became the 20th Italian region. Presently, it's the second smallest region in Italy.... Molise has had the highest rate of immigration per capita. For travel pictures of the countries those from Molise chose to immigrate to see the category: "Little Italies/Around the World."
Contributed by: Map courtesy of the New York Public Library, Digital Gallery

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